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Rapid Climate Change

Steering Committee

The Rapid Climate Change Steering Committee is responsible for directing and integrating the programme science and for recommending the award of research funds. The Steering Committee also has responsibilities for co-ordinating data management arrangements, and for promoting the transfer of the outcomes of the research to the user community

Dr Lloyd Keigwin (Chair) Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (USA) 2001-
Professor Keith Briffa University of East Anglia (UK) 2001-2005
Mr Peter Challenor Southampton Oceanography Centre (UK) 2001-
Professor Bob Dickson Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (UK) 2001-2006
Professor Peter Haugan University of Bergen (Norway) 2001-
Dr Mike Hulme Tyndall Centre (UK) 2001-
Professor Peter Lemke Alfred Wegener Institute (Germany) 2001-2004
Professor John Lowe Royal Holloway University of London (UK) 2001-
Professor Jochem Marotzke Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (Germany) 2001-
Professor Nick McCave University of Cambridge (UK) 2001-2005
DEFRA representative (currently Dr Cathy Johnson) Department for Environment,
Food & Rural Affairs (UK)
Professor Julia Slingo University of Reading (UK) 2001-
Dr Simon Tett Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction & Research (UK) 2001-
Dr AW (Sandy) Tudhope University of Edinburgh (UK) 2001-2005
Dr Bill Turrell Aberdeen Marine Laboratory (SERAD) 2001-2004
Professor Paul Valdes University of Bristol (UK) 2001-
Professor Martin Visbeck Leibniz-Institut fuer Meereswissenschaften (IFM-GEOMAR)(Germany) 2005-
Professor Andy Watson University of East Anglia (UK) 2001-2005
Dr Eric Wolff British Antarctic Survey (UK) 2001-
Dr Richard Wood Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction & Research (UK) 2001-

Maintained by Val Byfield
Last modified: August 14 2012 16:14