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Rapid Climate Change

RAPID: Conference Presentations

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This page gives a list of abstracts and conference presentations based on RAPID research, with links to a copy of the publication. We hope this will make it easier for the RAPID community to find copies of these publications. If you would like a reference to be added to the list, please send details to Val Byfield, including the URL of the paper, abstract or conference presentation.
(Please note that we will only add entries to this list if a copy of the abstract or conference proceedings is available on-line).


Daley, T. J., Hughes, P. D., Street-Perrott, F. A., Loader, N. J. and Barber, K. E., (2005), Oxygen-isotope variability across the 8.2 ka cold event in an ombrotrophic peat bog on the Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract PP13A-1482.


Srokosz M.A., (2004), New experiment deploys observing array in N Atlantic to investigate Rapid Climate Change, Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (8), 78 & 83. (correction Eos Trans. AGU, 85 (12), 114).

Maintained by Val Byfield
Last modified: August 14 2012 16:44