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Rapid Climate Change

RAPID Annual Meeting 2008
Cambridge, 30 June - 2 July

Useful links:   Agenda   List of Posters   Full abstracts  

The 2008 RAPID Science Meeting was held at New Hall's Conference Centre, Buckingham House, Cambridge from 30th June to 2nd July.

Details of oral presentations given at the meeting may be found in the Agenda, which also contains links to presentations that are currently available on line. A number of the posters presented at the meeting are also available; links to download these may be found in the list of poster presentations. Full text for all abstracts may be found HERE.

A PDF version of the Annual Meeting Booklet with the programme, list of posters, full abstracts and list of participants is available to the RAPID community HERE. If you are not a member of the community, but would like a copy, please contact Val Byfield (valborg|at|

Maintained by Val Byfield
Last modified: August 14 2012 17:22